
Thanks to Dr Fran for writing such an informative and easy to read book about women’s sexual health.
It debunks longstanding myths about sex and teaches about all that is healthy and normal.
The Happy Vulva is very empowering and will help women understand and love their down-under!

Dr Jo Sheedy, Counselling Psychologist, PhD

It is very reassuring to know that there are health professionals like Dr Fran who are
monitoring and caring about the sexual health and wellbeing of women.

Charmaine Morse, Counselling Psychologist

The Happy Vulva is an approachable and educational book about female genitalia and an
indispensable resource for any woman anxious about her vulva and vagina and
considering female genital cosmetic surgery.
It offers helpful guidelines not just for intimacy, but for body loving.

Dr Lindy McDougall, PhD, Macquarie University,
author of The Perfect Vagina: Cosmetic Surgery in the Twenty-First Century

The Happy Vulva is funny, gentle and extremely informative.
An exposé of industries profiteering off women’s violated body image.
A must read for all women who want a healthy relationship with their down-under.

Jane Whitmore, Counselling Psychologist

An informative, empathic and humorous perspective on an area of women’s health and body image that remains largely underexplored.
A must-read for all women.

Dr Jo Phillips, Clinical Psychologist